
City of West Concord

A Proud Heritage, A Bright Future

City Government


 Mayor Jeffrey McCool

Phone: 507-527-2668
Address: P.O. Box 435 West Concord, MN  55985
E-Mail: wcmayor@yahoo.com
Term Expires: 2024

 Councilmember Jeffery Burse

Phone: 601-519-3402
Address: 524 S Street West Concord, MN 55985
E-Mail: JBurse33@gmail.com
Term Expires: 2024

 Councilmember Crystal Nielsen

Phone: 507-421-8532 
Address: 207 Todd Court
Term Expires: 2027

 Councilmember Collin Ripley

Phone: 507-421-3268
Address: 702 Irvin St., West Concord, MN 55985
Term Expires: 2024
Welcome to the official website of the City of West Concord