What does a volunteer do?
Training sessions are conducted locally by our training officer or outside instructors.
They normally last 1-3 hours, 2 times a month.
- Maintain Your Certification
You need to take responsibility to keep up your EMT, First Responder or Fire Fighter certification.
This can be done through the Department at the monthly training session or by outside classes.
Members are expected to respond to calls based upon availability and call schedule.
As a member you can expect to make at least 1-2 calls a month.
Calls come in at all hours day and night, your response is needed within a few minutes notice.
Fire Department Members also are active members of the community.
This can include helping with special events, fundraisers, storm clean up, and other activities.
Types Of Calls:
- We are seeking individuals to respond to a wide variety of calls.
- If you are medically inclined, ambulance calls may be the bulk of your involvement.
- If you like to get your hands dirty, fire fighting and rescue may be your focus.
- There is a job within our organization for anyone willing to put forth the effort to learn and participate.
- The West Concord Fire Department has a full line of late model equipment and technology.
- We maintain a fleet of six emergency vehicles.
- Recent grants have enabled us to purchase new firefighting gear, two defibrillators, personal radios, and GPS navigation.
- The West Concord Fire Department stays current with the latest training. The ability to give certain medications is one example.
- As a member of the Southeastern Emergency Medical Consortium we have access to highly qualified instructors in addition to our local training officers.
- We also have access to all the state fire schools and resources.
1. Start by giving us a call at 527-2176 and leaving a message, or contact City Hall at 527-2668 ext. 6
2. Complete an application form. Available at City Hall.
Once the application form is completed either drop it off at City Hall or mail to:
West Concord Fire Department
PO Box 586
West Concord, MN 55985-0586
3. Next you will be informally interviewed by a membership committee to better understand your qualifications and abilities.
4. If accepted, and you successfully complete the 6 month probationary period you will join the department as a permanent member. We ask a year commitment minimum.